Mark Burton (Page 4)

How To Create a Custom UserStore in ASP.NET Core 6

UserStore with complex IdentityServer and AzMan permissions


Making pizza in my Ooni Koda 12

For Christmas I received a Ooni Koda 12 gas fuelled pizza oven, making fresh pizza is more challenging than it might seem

I love pizza but nothing you can buy from the shop comes close to freshly made pizza and delivery is usually getting cold by the time it arrives.


Centralizing VSTO add in exception management with postsharp 6

After much reading it seems you cannot handle exceptions globally in an Office add-in

After much reading around trying to find the best way to implement a global exception handler for a VSTO add-in on social msdn, stackoverflow and the Add-in Express forum I came across this solution using postsharp, this was the best solution I found but was 11 years old and relevant to postsharp 2, the library has changed a lot since then and the PostSharp.Laos namespace no longer exists as explained the postsharp support forum.